If you want 1 birthday bouquet for age 18 by noon tomorrow, I can do it. Let me know for a boy or girl so I can know what colors. You can email me at balloonshop2004@yahoo.com
23.04.2020 02:24
Kelly Wicklund
Can I have an 18 birthday bouquet ready by 12pm tomorrow? Also, how much would it cost?
Latest comments
16.08 | 19:26
I need 30 red customized printed mylar balloons inflated. Would that be possible?
02.06 | 14:01
You may drop off your balloons for fill. Cost will depend upon the size and type of balloons. Lue Call 651-246-5280 to set a time. Thank you.
02.06 | 00:35
Hello! If I bring / drop off my own balloons, could you blow them up with helium and I'll pick up when you are done?
23.05 | 17:54
I have tractor shaped and also 18 inch round. What day you need? Call cell 651 246 5280 to order.
If you want 1 birthday bouquet for age 18 by noon tomorrow, I can do it. Let me know for a boy or girl so I can know what colors. You can email me at balloonshop2004@yahoo.com
Kelly Wicklund
Can I have an 18 birthday bouquet ready by 12pm tomorrow? Also, how much would it cost?